Northleaf announced that funds under its management have completed an investment in CCM Hockey. Northleaf partnered with Altor Equity Partners, a leading European middle-market private equity firm, to acquire the business.
Northleaf is pleased to announce that Jared Waldron has been promoted to Co-Head of Infrastructure, alongside Jamie Storrow, the current Head of Infrastructure.
Northleaf's Stuart Waugh and Nadim Vasanji spoke with The Globe and Mail to discuss the roll-out of private markets solutions for private wealth investors.
Northleaf a le plaisir d'annoncer l'ouverture de son nouveau bureau à Séoul, en République de Corée, afin de répondre à l'intérêt croissant des investisseurs pour la plateforme de marchés privés de taille intermédiaire de l'entreprise.
Northleaf's Matthew Sparks spoke with Canadian Family Offices to discuss the growing interest in secondaries and how they can generate faster returns.
Robert will lead Northleaf’s global institutional business development activities and serve a member of the firm's Executive Committee.
Northleaf's Danielle Charney spoke with Canadian Family Offices to discuss the increasing popularity of private credit as an investment option for family offices and high-net-worth investors in Canada.
Nous avons le plaisir de présenter un aperçu de nos récentes initiatives et activités en matière de diversité, équité et inclusion (contenu disponible en anglais).
Northleaf a le plaisir de présenter un aperçu de ses récentes initiatives et activités en matière d’investissement responsable (contenu disponible en anglais).