Structured capital investments represent opportunities to generate private equity-like returns with a structural preference to existing equity.
Northleaf's direct, non-control investment strategy can meet a private equity sponsor's needs for supplemental capital to support portfolio company growth or capital for investor liquidity.
Investment Approach
We invest in existing private equity-owned companies to support the objectives of our GP partners and their management teams.
As an experienced and trusted investor in the mid-market, our ability to provide flexible and customized investments that create ‘win-win’ outcomes reinforces our reputation as a partner of choice.
Structured capital is a valuable tool for our partners to enable growth, and provides our investors access to the equity value of great companies while mitigating valuation risk. This style of investing makes sense for both issuers and investors throughout the economic cycle.
Northleaf announced that funds under its management have completed an investment in CCM Hockey. Northleaf partnered with Altor Equity Partners, a leading European middle-market private equity firm, to acquire the business.
Northleaf is pleased to announce that Kathleen Bellehumeur has joined our firm as Managing Director, Head of Private Equity Strategic Development & Investor Relations, based in our Toronto office.