Responsible Investment
Northleaf believes that responsible corporate behaviour will have a positive influence on long-term financial performance and is committed to incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into its investment processes at every level.
Northleaf integrates ESG considerations into our private equity, private credit and infrastructure investment activities with an appropriately tailored approach that acknowledges the varying degrees of influence that we exercise across each asset class, the investment strategies we pursue and the funds and mandates we manage on behalf of our investors.
Responsible Investment Report
We are pleased to share an overview of our recent responsible investment initiatives and activities.
Responsible Investment Policy
Northleaf’s Responsible Investment Policy (RI Policy) applies across all investment activities firm wide and includes an overview of the firm’s policy for integrating sustainability risks into its investment decision-making process. Our RI Policy builds upon leading responsible investment frameworks, and its implementation is supported using tools designed to support the identification, assessment, monitoring, management and reporting of ESG-related investment risks and opportunities.
Principles for Responsible Investment
As a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Northleaf is committed to upholding the values of PRI and applying its principles across all of our investment activities firm wide.
To read more on PRI, visit
Adopting the principles provides an industry-wide standard against which Northleaf can continue to assess itself and strive for best-in-class due diligence, investment monitoring and investor reporting. Northleaf commits to reporting to the PRI annually in a transparent manner on our responsible investment activities and our progress towards implementing the principles.
Northleaf was awarded top scores in the most recent PRI assessment report for its approach to ESG across its asset classes. Use the links below to view Northleaf's most recent PRI Reports:
Please visit the PRI website to view the PRI Assessment Methodology.
Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
Northleaf is a supporter of the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) with respect to developing voluntary, consistent climate-related risk disclosures.
Northleaf is focused on investing in and building well-managed, more valuable companies. Responding to the risks and opportunities associated with climate change is an integral part of this approach. Northleaf believes that support for the TCFD’s recommendations will catalyze more consistent, comparable, and reliable disclosure of climate-related information that will, in turn, facilitate more informed business and investment decision-making.
To read more on TCFD, visit
European Union Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
Corporate Social Responsibility
Northleaf is committed to giving back to the communities in which it operates and invests.
Northleaf considers broad ESG principles as outlined in its Responsible Investment Policy; however the firm does not directly consider “adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors” as contemplated by European Union Regulation 2019/2088 at this time. Northleaf may adopt further measures which take into account adverse impacts of investment decisions in this context.